A small group of adult patients with gluten intolerance (celiac disease) is developing an aggressive form of white blood cell cancer. Researchers at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) have now shown that allow the gluten immune system cells produce substances that can contribute significantly to the occurrence of this cancer type. Research leader Dr Jeroen van Bergen:. "The immune system is widely seen as an ally in the fight against cancer, but apparently is not always on." resistant celiac disease TarweEr are people who get severe chronic inflammation after eating cereal as wheat, barley and rye in the small intestine. Evildoers are certain proteins called gluten. Cells of the immune system react violently to this extraordinary gluten. The medical term for this (genetic) gluten intolerance is...
Almost half (46%) of vegetables in jar or tin is added sugar. Even vegetables - a paragon of sound - is so spoiled by the food with sugar. foodwatch examined the assortment of vegetables, the biggest four supermarkets and revealed that 79 of the 170 cans and jars of vegetables (46%) were added sugars. Even with organic vegetables bleach added sugars. Because the food industry adds sugars everywhere, and even vegetable stand, given consumers far too much sugar and within a one-sided preference for sweet taste. Tips for you If you want to eat vegetables, look always at the ingredient list and choose vegetables without added sugar and preferably without added salt. Added sugars were among others found in peas, carrots, corn, red cabbage, beets, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broad beans and peas. The sugar content...
The intake of vitamin D during pregnancy is important for the brain development of the child. Children of mothers with vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy are twice as likely to develop autism . This was demonstrated by research conducted among more than 4,000 mothers and their 6 -year-old children participating in Generation R. To determine the concentration of vitamin D was bled during pregnancy and at birth from the umbilical cord. In addition, mothers completed questionnaires on the behavior of their 6 -year-old child. Women is advised to swallow vitamin D before and during pregnancy. Source: http://www.nature.com/mp/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/mp2016213a.html
Older people need less energy dense foods than younger adults, but as many or more nutrients such as vitamin D and protein. This means that older people are more nutrient rich food to eat and less 'empty calories'. This is not simple: the appetite of the elderly often decreases, and the intake of food is often not sufficient to meet the daily need. If older people get in too little energy and nutrients may lead to unintentional weight loss and malnutrition. Malnutrition has serious health consequences due to loss of muscle mass and decreased immunity. It also reduces the quality of life and increases the risk of mortality. (Http://www.wur.nl/nl/artikel/Ondervoeding_bij_ouderen.htm) As one ages, it becomes difficult to consume enough protein to prevent protein malnutrition. It is therefore necessary to...
Amerikaanse think tank puts Western countries along the yardstick Dutch care ranks high in new international research. Dutch health care is doing compared to ten other highly developed Western countries more than fine. According to a study published today by The Commonwealth Fund (CWF), an American think tank in the field of care. Minister Edith Schippers (VWS) has taken delivery of the outcome at the invitation of CWF in Washington and an explanation for an international audience on the Dutch healthcare system. The International Health Policy Survey 2016 CWF will care in 11 Western countries compared: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States. In presenting the research results of the Dutch health care was introduced by the...
People who travel to distant destinations often imported multidrug-resistant intestinal bacteria. These are so-called ESBL-producing bacteria. These are bacteria that are not sensitive to the usual antibiotics. According to research at Maastricht University / Maastricht UMC + and Ease Travel Clinic & Health Support, Erasmus MC and Travel Clinic Haven Hospital in Rotterdam and the AMC and AMC Tropical Centre in Amsterdam: the COMBAT study. The researchers also collaborated with the University of Utrecht. Recently, the results have been published in the authoritative journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases. Destination biggest risk factor Participants in this large-scale study were recruited through various Travel Clinics, where travelers come to get vaccinations before they go to their tropical destination. In...
The administration of proteins during sleep is an effective way to promote muscle growth. Combined with electrostimulation muscle growth can again be given an extra boost. That is evident from PhD Bart Green at Maastricht UMC +. Green consumed investigated how proteins are converted in the body into muscle tissue and how to promote a smart way its production. Sarcopenia, is the medical term for the loss of muscle mass and strength. It is a process that is particularly associated with aging. As a result of sarcopenia, the independence and mobility and reduces the risk of admission to a hospital or healthcare facility bigger. Even if someone is confined only five days in bed (with the flu, for example) is already lost one and a half kilos of muscle mass. In the elderly, it is very difficult to bring then back muscle...
Plasma carotenoids, tocopherol and retinol research in the age of 35-74 years in six European countries. Nutrient status may change with age. We analyzed plasma carotenoids, α- / γ-tocopherol and retinol, and compared them with age, demographic characteristics, and eating habits (assessed by a short food frequency questionnaire) in a cross-sectional study of 2118 men and women (age-stratified 35 -74 years) of the population in six European countries. Older age was associated with lower lycopene and α- / β-carotene and higher β-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, α- / γ-tocopherol and retinol levels. Significant correlation with age were observed for lycopene, α-tocopherol, α-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin. Age was inversely associated with lycopene and this...

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